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25 February 1999
I'm almost certain
He's trying to increase his burden -- "Poor Fractured Atlas", Elvis Costello, All This Useless Beauty
The larger quote size got the thumbs down from a few folks. I'll try playing with fonts to make it more readable at the smaller size instead.
How do YOU pronounce "FAQ"?
7 out of 10 geeks (self included) say "fack". (Hey, it's one syllable versus 3 - more efficient!)
Seen in a personal ad a couple of months ago:
Hi! This is michelle--23-blonde-blue eyed-all american girl
I am looking for a guy that is warm -smart and knows how to
treat a girl ... Must have a good income (100,000 per year)
not in debt...
Good Lord...narrows it down a bit, dunnit?
- Line of chocolate next item on Starbucks' plate [Nando Times, seen on RobotWisdom]
Chairman and Chief Executive Howard Schultz said the proprietary line of chocolates would be launched March 10...
(Obligatory dumb geek joke: betcha Slashdot complains they're not Open Source chocolates)
- Man shot in knee with .44 Magnum while watching 'Dirty Harry' on TV [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, seen on Obscure Store]
After getting the gun out of his bedroom, Gassner told police he "just got stupid and careless with the gun" and loaded it with various shells.
Gassner loaded the weapon several times with a different number of shells, each time cocking the hammer back, spinning the cylinder and pointing the gun at Ruckel. Gassner said the gun was cocked and lying on his lap or his right knee when it discharged, striking Ruckel in the left knee.
Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh.
- Scientology's latest celeb (bottom of the page) [MSNBC, seen on Obscure Store]
Add Jenna Elfman's name to the long list of vocal celebrity Scientology supporters. ... Now, when she's down, she goes to the E-meter, a device used by Scientologists for "auditing" someone's mental state
Great. Another famous Scientologist. Just what the world needed.
- Pentium III serial numbers hacked (partway down the page) [Salon]
Andreas Stiller ... circumvented Intel's software tool by abusing a feature called Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) -- a power-conservation standard created by Intel, Compaq and Microsoft.
"I switched the computer into 'Deep Sleep' mode, and rebooted the machine, then read the serial number before Intel's software tool was started," says Stiller.
The problem, it seems, is that the processor's serial number is in the "on" position by default; it's only Intel's software that blocks the number.
In fairness to Intel, if someone manages to load a "Trojan horse" on your computer, then access to the chip's serial number is probably the least of your worries.
So 'off' does not really mean 'off'. Got it.