Wednesday, 3 November 2004
And it makes me wonder...
Wow. This all makes me wonder what it takes to get yourself fired as a President.
Setting up the future bankrupting of the Treasury during a war and declaring everybody should actually get a discount over what they were paying in peacetime, which... no other President ever did;
Declaring time after time how many jobs your policies will create, and missing every target you set by a mile (including the forecasts made long after 9/11);
Setting up Iraqi prisons that devolve into torture camps (and firing nobody over it);
Failing to pay attention to terrorism until you're attacked worse than the US has ever been, and then failing to catch the guy who actually attacked you for three years and counting...
Nope. The American people are cool with that.
This is all just a good start.
Okay. Got it.
6 comment(s)
Not all the American people are cool with that, just 58,535,827 of them (according to To me, the scary part is, given everything Bush has done knowing he was facing reelection, what is he going to do now that he doesn't have to worry about having to run again? Yikes!
or now that he's actually been elected by a majority? I mean, he seemed to think that being appointed by the Court was a mandate for partisan thuggary...
We, the American electorate, had a chance to stare down the politics of fear.
We blinked.
For the last four years, Dubya has said that nothing was his fault. These next four years, he's correct in that--it's all our fault.
I've been wondering what it takes to get a president fired these days too. But at least the sanctity of my marriage has been protected from gay people who want to visit their spouse in the hospital.
1. Bush isn't ignoring terrorism any more then Clinton did. 2. There are more people working now then there have ever been. Check the statistics. 3. I am not sure what you think it is that Bush is doing to cause the country to go bankrupt. He is lowering taxes. Which is a good thing. For some reaosn Democrats, liberals in particular seem to think that people should be punished for succeeding in life. If I (making only $29,000 a year) am only paying a certain percentage (somthing like 15%) of my income in taxes then why shouldn't someone making 7 times that also pay 15% of their income in taxes. Why should they have to pay a larger percentage for doing a better job of making decisions about their lives then I have. The trick to making this country as great as it should be is to make Federal Government smaller. Get rid of Social Security, National Endowment for the Arts, IRS. Department of Education Medicare, and any other bloat of the federal govenment. The Federal Government should be so small that we can hardly tell it exists, except when there is a danger to our national security.
1. Bush isn't ignoring terrorism any more then Clinton did.
False. Richard Clarke and company foiled the Millennium plot under Clinton, and Clinton warned Bush he would be spending a huge amount of time on al Qaeda... Bush ignored him (and Clarke), and...
2. There are more people working now then there have ever been. Check the statistics.
This is such a demented statement, along so many dimensions, that I can but stare.
Discussion of rates, percentages, population growth and basic economics are left as an exercise for the sentient readers.
3. I am not sure what you think it is that Bush is doing to cause the country to go bankrupt. He is lowering taxes.
A perfect koan, that. (Bush keeps taking in less, Bush keeps spending more, deficit gets bigger, interest payments rise, more money is wasted. What about this is difficult for you to understand?)
Your anti-government-agency pouts would be more at home in the Libertarian Party, no? The Republicans, whatever their small-government rhetoric, don't actually seem to have the guts to even try to cut much of anything, even when they have all the branches of government in their pocket.
Given that, I would think you would at least vote for gridlock, so no new government excesses are perpetrated... but that would take an actual understanding of government and strategy, which obviously hold no interest for you.
If I'm going to start gathering trolls, I clearly need to work on attracting better ones.
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