Wednesday, 3 April 2002
Wouldn't 'googlenudge' be a more accurate term than ' googlebomb' (and sound less like a malicious hack attempt)?
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I'm partial to the term "googleboost" because (to me) it more accurately describes what you are doing (getting a boost from others to raise you to a higher position), and the fact that it usually is temporary - once the links fall back to the archive pages, google gives them less weighting.
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My new design & stylesheet have apparently been causing some Netscape 4 users to crash or otherwise have trouble viewing the site lately... I think I've got it fixed now (removing an innocuous ' padding-right: 15px '; oy). Let me know if you can't read this. Ho ho.
laughable Vogue
Well-written slam of Vogue's 'shape' issue:
A La Mode: Vogue's pathetic attempt at body-type diversity by Emily Nussbaum [Slate]The result is less offensive than unintentionally hilarious, highlighting Vogue's version of a gorgeous panorama of womanhood - tall and skinny .. short and skinny .. pregnant and skinny .. and good old-fashioned emaciated. Ah, diversity! For the fifth category, "curvy," they snagged legendary "large size" model Sophie Dahl -- who recently slimmed down to a whopping Size 8/10.
Vogue assigned profiles to writers the same "shape" as their subjects, and the result is like eavesdropping on the passive/aggressive chit-chat of an eating-disorder support group -- complete with obsessive mentions of weights and measures and faux complaints about shopping in the children's section.
Most risible is Eve MacSweeney's profile of Nigella Lawson, which portrays the "voluptuous" (read: normal-bodied) British TV chef as a shocking anarchist simply because she eats. "One look at Nigella demonstrating the joys of chewing on the fatty bones of a pork roast," warns MacSweeney, "and years of careful conditioning will start to come unstuck." Ew.
TV shows
A recounting of TV shows which have died quick, lonely deaths this season:
Fox's 'Embassy' joins mid-season misfires [CNN]Two episodes were also all it took for NBC's hyped Hank Azaria comedy "Imagine That" to be shown the door.
NBC gave "Ellie" a few more chances at bat. The sitcom will now air through April 16, leaving four episodes for next season if the show returns. "Ellie"s premiere episode really wasn't fun to watch; 'desperate character is beseiged by constant misfortune' doesn't always work. Didn't bother to try it again. "Imagine That" was just plain crude, which may be par for network TV but disappointed me because I've seen the same actors with much more interesting material.
Prufrock's cat
I'm a fan of the original, and some bits of this are pretty clever:
The Love Song of J. Morris Housecat by T.S. Eliot's Cat [Henry Beard, via some post somewhere on metafilter]...For I have known the ones who feed me, known them all --
Have known my humans well and leaned against their shins,
I have measured out my lives in catfood tins...
...An easy pet to own, a small expense,
Fastidious, a bit inscrutable,
Temperamental, quick to take offense;
At times, indeed, wholly unsuitable --
Almost, at times, a pest...