Saturday, 6 October 2001And there's no doubt in my mind, not one doubt in my mind, that we will fail. ![]() Cam's right, someone did a superb job with this series of infographics showing the assorted damage to buildings around the World Trade Center. Apparently they're made by Urban Data Solutions; visit their site for more cool graphics. ![]() Friday, 5 October 2001This is a little funny and a little ridiculous. When I didn't live here, I surely would make the same mistakes. However, anyone who's lived here long and/or looked at a map of the area (and you'd think that would include the President) would be fairly dense to screw this up:You Are Where? Locating Pentagon, National Airport a Geographic Challenge [Washington Post] Even the U.S. Postal Service and some Internet map services get confused, so maybe President Bush could be forgiven for referring to the airport Tuesday as being in Washington, D.C. At an on-site news conference to announce today's reopening of National, Bush mentioned that he had invited D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams (D) to dinner "here in the District." // Trouble is, when he spoke he was standing firmly in Arlington County [Virginia], whose boundary begins on the western shore of the Potomac.Oy. ![]() Thursday, 4 October 2001The K Chronicles: What a difference a day makes. "Gary who?"![]() The canonical transcript of Jon Stewart's first Daily Show back: September 11, 2001: A Reaction I’m sorry to do this to you. It’s another entertainment show beginning with an overwrought speech of a shaken host. TV is nothing if not redundant. So, I apologize for that. ![]() CNN: Job Envy: Author Neil Gaiman "My worst fantasy was a really cool one. I got to kidnap all of the authors whose work I liked, living and dead -- I got to go 'round and round up G.K. Chesterton and Geoffrey Chaucer and all of these guys. Then I got to lock them in an enormous castle and make them collaborate on these huge-plot books. And I would tell them what the plots were. // I was about 10 years old. And I plotted this 12-volume giant epic about these people going off to collect these rocks from all over the universe. // As daydreams go, it says an awful lot about me as a young man: I wasn't confident enough about my ability to come up with stories. I was coming up with this huge, intricate story in order to justify in my daydreams of creating stories." ![]() Take the Falwell/Robertson/Bin Laden Quiz. I only got 8 out of 20. ![]() Leo: (July 23—Aug. 22) ![]() Wednesday, 3 October 2001Rocky Mountain News: Missing tanker truck spurs search, alert to Terrorism Task ForceSheriffs' deputies are scouring Arapahoe County [Colorado] in search of a missing tanker truck capable of spraying 5,000 gallons of liquid along city streets, officials said Tuesday. ![]() Greyhound crash kills six; passenger says driver was attacked [Tennesseean] Though Greyhound temporarily suspended its bus service nationwide, a U.S. Justice Department spokesman in Washington told The Tennessean that authorities do not yet believe the incident is related to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Greyhound service resumes after fatal bus crash [CNN] Greyhound service was suspended for several hours but resumed [at 1pm EDT] after the FBI told the company it was safe to continue. Greyhound President Craig Lentzsch said at a news conference that authorities told him the accident was the result of "an isolated act by a single deranged individual." ![]() Linkstorm. Clearing out some of the backlog: Worth reading all of: Bruce Schneier's Cryptogram: Special issue devoted to the September 11 attacks and their aftermath ...why isn't anyone asking the real questions: what is the threat, and how does turning an airplane into a kindergarten classroom reduce the threat? If the threat is hijacking, then the [no sharp objects] countermeasure doesn't protect against all the myriad of ways people can subdue the pilot and crew.MSNBC: What to Read Now: Newsweek's recommended reading list MSNBC: Four Things Citizens Can Do by Richard C. Harwood 1. Learn more about the world...This Modern World: "I just don't understand how spending billions of dollars on a missile defense system is useful when the enemy is armed with box-cutters--" "Zip it, you unamerican freak!" Carol Lay's Story Minute: Returning to Normal A new batch of links from Phil Agre Spinsanity: Criticizing American Policy: Picking and Choosing What Is Legitimate One of the most troubling strands of this rhetorical offensive is the assertion that criticism of American foreign policy -- specifically America's economic and political policies abroad -- is beyond the pale and that making such arguments amounts to blaming America for the terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, some of these same pundits are quite comfortable criticizing aspects of our military policies. They attack dissent as "blaming America first" from one side of their mouth while denouncing past military policy from the other. This blatant hypocrisy, exemplified by Andrew Sullivan and Charles Krauthammer, is nothing less than an attempt to define the terms under which US policy may be criticized.Slate: What's the Rush? by Robert Wright We and other nations seem to be apprehending more and more people who could be part of a second-wave assault. So long as we're making progress, why provoke the ones we haven't yet caught? ![]() Tuesday, 2 October 2001I stumbled on this new album in a Sunday ad; I was wondering when he'd get around to releasing something like this. It's all piano music, and it's all played by a better pianist, but it's new Billy Joel material all the same.Billy Joel: Fantasies & Delusions, Op. 1-10 (cute cover) Press release: Billy Joel's First Album Of New Compositions Since 1993 Simultaneously, they've released a new 'very best greatest hits' album called The Essential Billy Joel. It looks like a rehash of his three prior greatest hits albums plus two of the tracks from the new classical album; completely unnecessary to any but the newest BJ fan. ![]() Monday, 1 October 2001Worth perusing: A free chapter from Simson Garfinkel's Database Nation (published in early 2001), found via aaronland:Chapter 9: Kooks and Terrorists With targets so vulnerable, civil authorities so unprepared, and toxins so readily available, does it make sense to institute a worldwide dragnet to track and stop suspected terrorists before they strike? Increasingly, the U.S. government is insisting that the answer to this question is yes. ![]() A new batch of stills from the Harry Potter movie is up at the Leaky Cauldron. Looks good, can't wait till November. ![]() Sunday, 30 September 2001Clicking on![]() ![]() | ![]() | Links, exploration and synthesis from Steve Bogart ![]() photo by my wife If you want to be e-mailed when there's new stuff here, say "add me." Archives by week
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