Monday, 8 October 2001 : "i hate titling entries"
Simultaneous events don't happen We are isolated temporally And a part is never called the whole thing Though it bothers us to know it's so
Every man is made of two opinions Every woman has a second half And it's samba time for Tambo and Weep Day for Urine Man -- "Weep Day", They Might Be Giants (who else?), Then: The Earlier Years I have no editorializing to do about our retaliatory strikes, except to say that I never expected the Bush administration to wait 26 days before blowing things up, and I give them credit for taking a pretty good amount of time to decide on a measured course of action and at least try to build some consensus instead of going off half-cocked.As I walk, I think about a new way to walk As I think, I'm using up the time left to think -- "It's Not My Birthday", They Might Be Giants, Miscellaneous T
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