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A Frontier 4 script by Steve BogartMuch like the Jump command in Frontier, FinderJump allows you to type in a path to a folder or file and have the Finder open it without mousing around to get there. It's especially useful for things deep in your directory tree with short folder names.
It's a lot like Windows 95's Start / Run command, which I've often found use for.
January 1998 Update: Once I get into the guts of Frontier 5 (February?) I'll update this and perhaps add more functionality. Also, I'll make this a fat page.
Get it from one of the following links:
You also need to have Frontier set up to use the Scriptable Finder.
Add a script to the menubar system.menubars.MACS with the name "Jump..." and the command key shortcut Cmd-J. For its script just have it execute one line:
[or whatever name you gave it when you imported it]Then, in the Finder, just press Cmd-J!
(The script can go anywhere; I just put it in a suite with my name to avoid stepping on other people's tables. Modify the code all you want; it's all fairly straightforward [rather obvious, honestly]. If you come up with enhancements, let me know!)
I know I'm breaking some interface conventions with my use of the double-slash prefix... anybody have any better ideas? Suggestions for changes? Email me at bogart@wuolin.wustl.etcA "recent items" list (like in Frontier's Jump) has been suggested by a few folks. Great idea, but not being familiar with MacBird, it may take me a while...