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More Links: ...other links that I visit less regularly; generally not work-related...
Webbed Folks I Know, Newly Alphabetized to Avoid Favoritism: Adam Costello | Michael Eisenberg | Seth Golub | Pete McCann | Andrea Missias | Lisa Pellegrin | Toni Reiss | Eric Stuebe | Chris Tess |
Music: MACH 1 | RARB | Moxy Früvous | YesWorld | Genesis | Joe Jackson/Official | Tears For Fears | They Might Be Giants | Suzanne Vega | The Bobs |
Good TV: Babylon 5 / Lurker's Guide | NYPD Blue | Homicide: Life on the Street | The Simpsons | The Larry Sanders Show | ER |
Good Comics: Westfield | Famous the Aardvark Cerebus | Nexus | Astro City | Milk & Cheese/Dorkin Central | Bone |
Even More Links (places I rarely go but don't want to lose track of): Frontier: BBS | PhoneWatcher | Eudora | StarNine/Extending WebSTAR | Bare Bones | Daily Mac | MacSense | ClearWay Simple Cache Manager | Used Computer Exchange | dA | NetPro | Internet Software Updates | HyperArchive | FreePPP/PPP primer | Modem Strings | MacQ | Greg's stuff | VT | Ihnatko's CWoB | Speech | Novell/Mac Files | HP printers |

InfoWorld | Webmonkey | Byte | CND | Reuters/Tech | W3C | InterNIC Whois |

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