Comments back on
Comments are back on, thanks to the Jay Allen's Comment Challenge plugin which should prevent most or all of the comment spam 'round here. (To comment now, there's just one more blank to fill out, and it's easy.) It's been enabled for a couple of days and I have had no comment spam so far.
It's funny, I've long been on the fence about having any comments enabled at all. Not least because of the same sort of observations that Joel Spolsky makes --
[Winer sees blog comments as] a part of the problem, not the solution. You don't have a right to post your thoughts at the bottom of someone else's thoughts. That's not freedom of expression, that's an infringement on their freedom of expression. Get your own space..
... When a blog allows comments right below the writer's post, what you get is a bunch of interesting ideas, carefully constructed, followed by a long spew of noise, filth, and anonymous rubbish that nobody ... nobody ... would say out loud if they had to take ownership of their words.
(Oddly, I've found that as soon as I shut off the possibility of getting feedback via comments, I immediately develop a desire for it. It's weird.)
Contra Joel, not all comment threads end up in nastiness. Clay Shirky expounds--
..the uselessness of comments it is not the universal truth that Dave or Joel make it out to be, for two reasons. First, posting and conversation are different kinds of things — same keyboard, same text box, same web page, different modes of expression. Second, the sites that suffer most from anonymous postings and drivel are the ones operating at large scale.
If you are operating below that scale, comments can be quite good, in a way not replicable in any “everyone post to their own blog”.
It's true, the places I know of with comment trouble are the ones with a lot of traffic; that hasn't been the state of things here for some time. So for now, unless and until comment threads here become an ugly place, I will typically leave comments open on a thread.
3 comment(s)
Oooo, I'll have to install this myself. I was patiently waiting for MT4 to solve my comment spam issues, but Jay's stuff is always great. And this means I don't have to wait!
Look, no image generator doodad with letters I can't read.
For me Matrix 3 proved to me that there was ultimately no real depth to this whole Matrix-world-philosophy. After Matrix 2, people were almost ready to sign up for it as a religion.
Aside from the serious missteps in Episode I (i.e. midichlorians), Star Wars could be a fine religion!
I hope work picks up soon.
Matrix 3 was like watching the deleted scenes from the previous two movies--y'know, the stuff not good enough to make it to the screen. It was one of the few movies where I left the theater pissed that I had spent money on a *matinee*. All that time & effort to resolve absolutely NOTHING! Grrr.
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