Wednesday, 25 June 2003
Music, Movies Music & movies: Since I was away I haven't been keeping up with Girlhacker. Bad Steve! Some gems I just found there:
Other things I've found lately on my own:
- The Joe Jackson Band is coming back to the States for several more tour dates starting in August. I saw them earlier this year in DC; they were most excellent.
- I caught Solomon Burke on a recent Conan: wow, was he impressive. He sang "Don't Give Up On Me" from his new album of the same name and brought the house down.
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Re: the Peter Gabriel discs: it's a pretty cool idea. I don't think it'll appeal to most potential buyers, though; I'd rather have a disc strewn together with the best performances from a tour. However, those who went to a particular concert can buy the disc of that concert, and really hard-core fans can buy the whole set (I'm not sure I'd need to have that many recordings of the same tour).
I wonder if he'll come out with a best of disc from the tour; that I'd get (I love my Secret World Live double disc).
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Bush sites
Tim Noah at Slate found a beta version of the Bush re-election website open to the public. It's closed off now, but he got some funny screen shots. I especially like the simplistic poll questions: 'Would you support a Clear Skies Initiative to cut power plant pollution from the three worst pollutants by 70%? Yes/No'. Why, I'm sure the Clear Skies bill does only that one thing! And I'm sure that the results of the single-issue poll won't be used in a press release to imply support for the entire complex package; that would be wrong.
There's another one asking if you support a jobs/growth program which gives back an average of $X dollars to everyone. Hey, I might support it if it were actually succeeding at decreasing unemployment. Still waiting for the jobs to materialize from those first two rounds of tax cuts, folks. Plus, averages are easily manipulated. Got a distribution chart anywhere we could look at? No? Gee.
Other gems include a hot link, "See more Hispanic photos," underneath the caption to a photograph of Laura Bush reading to Hispanic children. (As her father-in-law would say , "Message: I care.")
In my own surfs, I've turned up a vaguely interesting list of domains that redirect to the campaign's site []. There's: [sure], [okay..], [?] and [?!].
5 comment(s)
Still waiting for the jobs to materialize from those first two rounds of tax cuts, folks.
Maybe without the tax cuts there would be even fewer jobs than there are now! Thank goodness for the tax cuts! :) :)
Sounds like a hypothesis we could test... how about balancing the budget again (like conservatives used to want to do) and seeing what happens?
At this point, jobs from the first two tax cuts are like the missing WMDs: whether they exist or not won't matter to the Bushies until the next election.
...and nobody seems to make much of a big fuss about their current absence. Curious thing, that.
It is time to wake up and smell the smoke screen --- the jobs are not there nor are there any true incentives to create them. The issue has become the complexity associated with a leader that is frok with personal issues and claims he can do better than his father. The world is laughing at us, you know --- not the terrorist who are incited by his lack of vision or ability to be a world leader. But the developed countries that indeed have sigificant interest in peace and global stablity. I do not agree that the Bush way is a way to lead America into the positive future. So he not agree with me and there is a smoke screens veiling a commander-in-chief, who is only a business man and never took a bullet in his life! -- maybe he put a bullet in a cow's head and maybe that is his equivelent of going to Vietman -- oh, I made a 'Bush-ism -- I mean Vietnam!!! --it give us a perfect recipe for total misleading leader. Can't talk clearly without a script and can later make excuse he is deslexic --- so perfect --- and yet we say 'go ahead, Mr Bush -- we trust you and your dad to save America from the great axis of evil .... Seem we are all in a dense fog or denial -- same as him. And he pray we all suffer from the same affliction or worse -- he not care, you know? Any comments or additions? Reproval is fine but please let common sense prevail.
Updated with thought: It is time to wake up and smell the smoke screen --- the jobs are not there nor are there any true incentives to create them. The issue has become the complexity associated with a leader that is frocked with personal issues and claims he can do better than his father. I can do better than my dad and I will prove it even if it kills many people in other countrys since my dad teach me they want to kill us. Talk about making a prophecy of destruction true by inheritance. Maybe he think he lead the little people out of bondage from the great tyrants … not thinking that the world community has an interest in the outcome of all this. The world is laughing at us, you know? --- not only the terrorist who are rouges and so incited by his lack of vision or ability to accept anything that is beyond his faith. But the developed countries that indeed have sigificant interest in peace and global stablity and can help. I do not agree that the ‘Bush way’ is a way to lead America into the positive future nor planet secuity. Might does not make right, you know? So he never agree with me and then he put up smoke and mirrors veiling a commander-in-chief, who is not worth a memorable president --- just a business man with his daddy agenda and he never took a bullet or under fire in his life! – but maybe he put a bullet in a suffering cow's head and that is his equivelent of going to Vietman? -- oh, I just made a 'Bush-ism’! -- I mean Vietnam!!! –but it give us a perfect recipe for total misleading leader who can not lead. Can't talk clearly without a script and can later make excuse he is deslexic --- so perfect, agree? --- and yet we all say 'go ahead, Mr Bush -- we trust you and your dad to save America from the great Axis of Evil, whatever that is .... seem I am dense and no brain and we are all in a dense fog or fog of denial -- same as him. And he pray we all suffer from the same affliction or worse -- he not care, you know? But I have a clear mind and (JFK) John Forbes Kerry is a man of concience and integrity and valor … can you cay the same of Bush or is it time to make excuses? Any comments or additions? Reproval is fine but please let common sense prevail.
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