Tuesday, 5 November 2002
Political web sites Campaign sites miss Web boat [CNET]
Political consultants RightClick Strategies blasted 2002 candidates for failing to do something as rudimentary as regularly update their Web sites. Just 24 percent of the 168 sites visited by RightClick Tuesday morning noted that it was Election Day.
"It seems simple enough; if a campaign Web site is to be used as a communications tool, it must be updated on a daily basis," RightClick researchers wrote in a report that looked at the Election Day habits of campaign sites. "Most campaigns have failed in this effort."
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I do not understand how democratic liberals have been painted as unpatriotic and weak on defense. All of our great wars have been led by liberal democrats. These warrior conservatives have not once led America into battle no matter how just the cause but had to be dragged kicking and screaming. I also would like to know who some of these great conservative leaders were . We had a conservative wonderland in the late 1800s and again in the early 1920s with no regulation and rampant greed. History tells us the average guy wasn't doing so well and please THE TRICKLE DOWN THEORY DOES NOT WORK and is not a new idea . Those who don't know history are condemed to repeat it.
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Pitt resigns.
Goodbye, Harvey Pitt. Nice, uh, late timing.
Saletan's votes William Saletan of Slate explains his thought process for his votes in Maryland:
Sorry, Connie - A swing voter makes up his mind. [Slate]
Townsend is too profligate for my taste, and I hate her racial politics, but I think Maryland's budget fix will keep her from doing too much mischief. So I'm going to hold my nose and vote for her.
Morella has been a harder call. She's the kind of person we need more of in Congress: liberal instincts tempered by a conservative sense of fiscal limits and personal responsibility. ... On a micro level, I'm more in tune with Morella than with Van Hollen. But on a macro level, my vote for Morella wouldn't help fill Congress with Republicans like her. It would just reassure or embolden the right-wingers who use their control of the House to limit the number and influence of Republicans like her. I don't really want Democrats to run the House, but the only way to push Republicans back to the center is to shake them up. And my guilt about punishing Morella for the sins of her bosses is assuaged by my disgust at her cynical, misleading attack ads. They're beneath her.
In previous elections, liberals needed a kick in the pants to stop their runaway spending and regulation. In this election, conservatives need a kick in the pants to stop their equally foolish tax break bonanza and their cynical political exploitation of minor differences in the war on terror. If I could vote out Tom DeLay, I would. The best I can do is to take away one of the six votes he needs to stay in power. Sorry, Connie.
Mozilla over IE 101 things that the Mozilla browser can do that IE cannot [XUL Planet via Camworld] (I'm using Mozilla more and more on Windows, but I'm still using IE on the Mac. Chimera 0.6 came out yesterday, though; I'll check it out again.)
2 comment(s)
Chimera's still too sluggish for me -- stock Mozilla plus Pinstripe plus Silk gets you (most of) the same shiny UI without the performance hit.
I had a hard time adapting to Mozilla at first, but I made myself try it for a week. After that I never went back.
Chimera 0.6 is amazing! I've been using Chimera since 0.3 and the improvment in speed and UI are incredible. I can only guess at how great 1.0 will be.
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I Voted buttons Free button images, by me. If you want to use one, please copy the graphic to your own webspace rather than point to the image here.
They are 72x72, 96x96 and 154x154. No need to credit me, but don't let me stop you, either. :)
They have transparent backgrounds and are anti-aliased to white. If you really want one to put on a different color background, e-mail me the hex color code, the size you want and your pick of stars/no-stars and I should be able to do a custom version.
And no, I haven't voted yet today, but I will this morning. :)
3 comment(s)
Thanks, Steve! Tres cool. I'll be heading to the polls later today, after another perusal of the Washington State Voters Pamphlet. Then I'll put one of these buttons up on La Di Da!
Thanks for the graphics. We used it, with credit to you.
Thanks for the images. I voted too.
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