Saturday, 3 November 2001Huh. Be on the lookout, perhaps.FBI Searches for Ryder Rental Truck Carrying Suspicious Cargo [WHDH Boston] BOSTON - The FBI is searching for a rented Ryder truck that sped away from security at the Cambridge Galleria Mall after personnel there found drums and gasoline cans duct taped to the floor and walls. ![]() Friday, 2 November 2001Finally we find out what it was Chief of Staff Andrew Card [says he] said to President Bush on camera on the morning of Sept. 11 at the elementary school. I've been curious for a long time:"The second plane hit the second tower ... America is under attack" [Boston Globe] ![]() Interview with J.K. Rowling after she saw the first Potter film [BBC] She's happy with it. Kenneth Branagh will be Gilderoy Lockhart in Potter 2, not Hugh Grant as expected. I can see that... ![]() Officials Call Off Antibiotics For Many Who Handle Mail; With No New Anthrax Cases, Crisis Eases in D.C. Region [WPost] With no new local case of inhalation or skin anthrax in more than a week, and no report of a tainted letter in more than two, the District's health director, Ivan C.A. Walks, suggested that the Washington area was "on the downside" of a crisis that began with the opening of an envelope Oct. 15 on Capitol Hill.Hope there isn't a second wave. Supposedly some similar (non-anthrax) letters were received by other media outlets (such as Fox News) prior to 9-11, sent from Indianapolis: PRE-9/11 ‘TERRORIST' MAIL CAME FROM INDY [NY Post] Lots of speculation in that article, though, like the assertion that it could be the work of a pagan or Wiccan group without any supporting facts given for why they're maligning such groups with the accusations. One could just as easily speculate that it's the work of a radical Christian anti-abortion group since Planned Parenthood has been receiving anthrax threats from the Army of God for years and the first targets of the actual anthrax were Democrats and the 'liberal media'. Maybe the New York Post just felt like tarring someone else. Or there are important facts they're not sharing. ![]() Wednesday, 31 October 2001TIME magazine this week has plenty of interesting stuff, especially this preview of the Harry Potter movie by someone who's seen it. Note: it contains spoilers, including what's been left out of the movie [not much at all, as it happens]. All the reviews so far indicate that they did not screw it up. Imagine.The First Look At Harry [TIME] [Director Chris Columbus:] "My mantra has been, Kids are reading a 700-page book [...Goblet of Fire]. They can sit through a 2 1/2-hour movie." ![]() Tuesday, 30 October 2001Got a headache? Caffeine will take care of it faster than ibuprofen. On the other hand, ibuprofen keeps it away longer. Solution? Take both, of course.Caffeine key to curing a headache [New Scientist] 58 per cent of those who took either caffeine or ibuprofen alone reported complete pain relief from a headache -- and the caffeine-takers typically experienced relief about half an hour faster. The caffeine dose was equivalent to that in a large mug of coffee, says Seymour Diamond, who led the study.Apparently there are multiple journals devoted to this sort of thing; the report is from Current Pain and Headache Reports (vol 5, p 472). ![]() Monday, 29 October 2001The movie's not here yet, but people are already seeking out Harry Potter paraphernalia to buy:Harry Potter merchandise flies off the shelves[AP/Salon] Hot sales of Harry Potter games, puzzles, trading cards and other items are delighting stores that were looking ahead to a bleak holiday shopping season.What gets to me is that only issuing several hundred merchandise items counts as restraint... ![]() You know a party's wandering off course when even its friends start deriding its actions in public... read David Brooks (and Mark Shields) on the 'stimulus' [snort] package passed by the House: Online NewsHour : Political Wrap from Shields and Brooks [PBS] BROOKS: Well, at Christmas time kids write out their wish list for Santa Claus and the House Republicans wrote out their wish list. They sent it up and it's not going to pass.And on why no airport security fixes have been passed in six weeks: BROOKS: People on both sides of Capitol Hill are debating how many federalized airport security workers can dance on the head of a pin. It's sort of appalling that this has gone on for six, eight weeks.In this fight between Lott and Delay, I'm with Trent Lott[!], but either way something should get settled ASAP. If something passes the Senate 100-0, the House should find some way to get an answering bill passed; shame on Mr. Delay. ![]() | ![]() | Links, exploration and synthesis from Steve Bogart ![]() photo by my wife If you want to be e-mailed when there's new stuff here, say "add me." Archives by week
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