Thursday, 20 December 2001 : "A bit more Mac stuff"A bit more Mac stuff:IE 5.1 for OS 9/Classic is out, the first real update to that program in over a year. It gains three particularly nice interface tweaks that are already in the OS X version:
BBEdit 6.5.1 (minor update) is out. BBEdit is one of the reasons I stuck with the Mac even when things looked dicey for Apple; there is still no equivalent on Windows. (HomeSite? Maybe if their grep tool ever gets better.) BBEdit makes it much less painful to make proper web pages (among many other things). BBEdit is a major tool that helps me earn my living. We like BBEdit. A not-so-secret; an easy way to knock $40 off BBEdit's price ($119) is to download BBEdit Lite, the less-powerful free version. Register that, then order BBEdit itself through their online store. They count the Lite version as software you can cross-upgrade from, which reduces the price to $79. It's weird that they provide a big discount for having the free version, but it's clearly marked and has been there for years, so it's obviously intentional. A new Opera-for-Mac beta is out. I haven't used it much (seems OK), but I really like their new demo philosophy; you get it without ads for the first 30 days, then you have to see ads on your screen while you surf or buy. I think this is the first time I've seen an ad-free period for an ad-supported version; I like it on many levels. The OS X 10.1.2 update just came out. I'll get it this weekend, probably. Supposedly I can read CompactFlash cards under X once I have it. That would be nice; one less reason to swap to OS 9. And Adobe just updated Acrobat! Guess everybody's declaring their updates done so they can finally go home for the holidays. Or something. | ![]() | Links, exploration and synthesis from Steve Bogart ![]() photo by my wife If you want to be e-mailed when there's new stuff here, say "add me." Archives by week
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