Wednesday, 28 June 2006
East Coast Rain Train aftermath; Lake Needwood may burst its dam Evacuation Ordered in Montgomery County
More than 2,200 people were evacuated from their homes and apartments in central Montgomery County overnight, as a dam holding back the waters of Lake Needwood near Rockville leaked and threatened to fail, officials said.
No rain was falling as Washington began waking up for the day, and forecasters said nearly a week of record-setting downpours seemed on the verge of tapering off. But with land saturated and rainfall accumulating in creeks, rivers and other tributaries, emergency officials said flooding remained a major concern.
...Montgomery County officials received the first reports of leaks in the earthen dam at Lake Needwood about 7 p.m., Romer said. officials said. By this morning, the lake was more than 25 feet higher than its normal levels.
According to an official I saw on the news, their disaster plan was designed in case of a lake level 19-22 feet above normal. And today it's 25 feet above.
Hey, at least there was a plan for the contingency.
Rain train is a phrase I expect we'll be hearing a lot more of in the coming years.
Local News / Weather
1 comment(s)
I wonder who the wingnuts will try to blame for this one?
Teh gays? The wimmin? Scary brown people? The people who don't have yellow flag ribbons on their cars?
Wait, wait! I know.....!
*shakes fists at sky*
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