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« 30 December 2005 « - Back Archives Next - » 9 January 2006 »

day permlink Thursday, 5 January 2006

permlink Versatile hunk

(of poetry.)

For Christmas I got a couple of classic Paul Simon CDs (yay, wishlists), which I knew a few songs from already; it's been great fun digging into them, even though it's been decades since they came out.

One song in particular has jumped out at me, and one lyric from that especially.

While written as the explanatory epitaph of a couple's story, I think it works equally well as a forward-looking epigraph for a new year:

What is the point of this story?
What information pertains?

The thought that life could be better
Is woven
Into our hearts and our brains

-- Paul Simon - "Train in The Distance", Hearts and Bones, 1983

"Life could be better."

Let's see what we can do about that, shall we? permlink   Quotes   0 comment(s)   Add a comment...

permlink No more chances mark anything as 'Accomplished in 2005'. Time's up, sigh.

To me, 2006 has a lot of potential for being a much better year than 2005 -- as in, maybe the U.S. won't see the landfall of multiple record-breaking hurricanes this year. And so forth.

Personally, I have a couple of fairly achievable goals which I think need to be stated publicly so I will be triply chagrined and most likely shamed if I fail to meet them.
  1. Write more. As that's an awfully general goal, I will make it specific and measurable by saying: Write something, anything, for this site at least three times a week. Linkstack entries above do not count; breaks can be declared, but only in advance and only for one week.

  2. Produce some audio. I meant to do this last year, but was very slow in assembling all the pieces necessary and getting familiar with them. I now have everything I should need, so I will set as my goal: Post at least two tracks per quarter year.
I was going to add a fitting 2006-related lyric here, but it's really a separate thought, so I'll make that post #2 for this week. Ha. permlink   Meta   1 comment(s)  
I'm really not convinced that two separate posts on the same day should count....
      ...posted by Katxena on January 6, 2006 8:50 AM
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« 30 December 2005 « - Back Next - » 9 January 2006 »

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