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day permlink Wednesday, 31 August 2005

permlink More on Katrina damage

Another Louisiana news site providing frequent updates: Two places to send help: Also, an apt observation from Brendan Loy (who's been aggregating lots of informative links & pictures):
It strikes me that, in a way, New Orleans is to Mississippi right now as the World Trade Center was to the Pentagon on 9/11. If nothing was happening at all in New Orleans, the utter devastation in Mississippi would, by itself, make Katrina one of the most awful, destructive and deadly hurricanes in American history.

Yet because what's happening in New Orleans is of such horrifying and historic proportions -- essentially, the total destruction of an entire metropolitan area, happening before our eyes -- the devastation in Mississippi is, improbably, relegated to playing second fiddle in the news, just as the Pentagon attack (which would have been, by itself, the deadliest and most audacious terrorist attack in American history) played second fiddle to the World Trade Center atrocity.
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