Tuesday, 22 June 2004
But.. but.. "But... we're here to save you!"
This NPR story is pretty amusing to listen to.
NPR : Town Doesn't Welcome Libertarians
A libertarian group planning to move to tiny Grafton, N.H., got a hostile reception from the locals this weekend. The Free Town Project hopes to get 200 members to move to Grafton, where they'd vote to privatize roads, eliminate funding for public education, and legalize so-called "victimless" crimes. The invaders don't understand why anyone wouldn't want them to move in and outvote them.
Gee. Let's imagine a utopia-tarian community facing an influx of standard-issue Republicans and Democrats with the express purpose of changing all the laws to suit them. Hmm, would those townspeople be welcoming or highly skeptical?
If the people of Grafton wanted such drastically different laws, one would think they would have changed them by now, yes?
Coercing a population to live under a very different political model would seem to be something autonomy-loving libertarians would not be for -- especially when the coercers have had nothing do with the population up until now. Sheesh.
Try persuasion, eh? Or start a new town.
TiVo's a better value now
I missed this when it was announced, but it's mighty cool: if you buy a TiVo now, it includes for free the batch of ooh-ah features which used to cost $99 extra:
TiVo makes Home Media Option standard issue, more
The option allows TiVo owners to use their TV to view photos and their home stereo to play music stored on their computers by connecting their TiVo device to a home network. It also enables you to read/change the TiVo's to-do list over the web. The Home Media Option wasn't worth $99 to me, but I'll happily take it as a bundled feature.
TiVo's got some decent discounts going through the end of this month, too:
40 hours for $120,
80 hours for $220,
140 hours for $350 (all after a $50 rebate).
So, it's a pretty good time to get one. We love ours; if you have a TV, you should at least look at one.
5 comment(s)
Unfotunately those of us with TiVo units from DirecTV are out of look. For whatever reason, DirecTV still does not offer HMO. Sigh....
Man, I am way too tired. That should have been "unfortunately" and "luck" in the previous comment. Guess I need to hit Preview before Post.
Yeah, I'm glad they made it standard. Still not sure it's worth the bucks I'd have to spring for a wireless converter for the TiVo-- anyone know the least expensive way to do that?
Something like the Linksys WUSB11 - roughly $40 after rebate.
Hmm... that's not bad at all...
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