Saturday, 21 December 2002
Rewriting the Jaguar Ad Rewriting the current Jaguar ad:
(Scene: Upscale living room. Man sits on couch in front of window. Woman hands Man small present.)
Woman: Go ahead, open it.
Man (tearing away wrapping): Hey! Nice model car.
Woman (snapping a Polaroid™ camera): (slyly) I know it's not the real thing, but...
Man: No no, I like it. It's cool. ...Hey, why did you just take a picture of me?
(Long before photo could possibly have developed, Woman hands finished photo to Man. Man looks for a beat, then whirls around to see Driveway where there is a New Luxury Car.)
Man: You bought me an actual car?
Woman: Yeah! Isn't that better than a model?
Man: You bought a car? What are you, insane? Since when is a car not a major purchase that we decide on together?
Woman: Hey, you keep saying you've always wanted one!
Man: Yeah, but I also want to retire some day! That's, like, thirty thousand dollars, gone!
Woman: Thirty-three.
Man: I want one of those like I want steak, lobster and chocolate every day; it's a fantasy! Great Goulessarian, woman! What were you thinking?
Full-screen slide: "The new 2003 Domestic Turmoil. From $29,950."
Man (voiceover): You could have at least bought it used. We can't even take it back!
3 comment(s)
Ha ha! Brilliant, Steve!
Thanks for this!
If you change the car to a convertable & the man to over 40, you have "The new 2003 Mid-Life Crisis."
Man: "Sweet! Chicks dig cool cars..." Woman: "What was that?" Man: "Um, nothing, dear."
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