Saturday, 26 October 2002
Autumn Endorsements
Ah, autumn. Here are some unpaid, unsolicited endorsements for the season:
- Harvest Yankee Candles. Spicy, pumpkiny, smells like fall should smell. Very nice.
- Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks (yes, Starbucks). Not actually cider, just very hot apple juice, a big dash of good caramel syrup and some whipped cream on top. MMMMMmmmmmmm. And no caffeine, if you're trying to cut down.
- If not in the mood for fruit juice (and if, like me, you're too lazy/busy to make your own home cocoa mix), look at your grocery for Chocolate Sensation Swiss Miss. It has much more actual cocoa in it than the regular stuff, and it's very tasty. (Stomps "standard" instant cocoa like a grape.) Great for cold nights, with or without marshmallows. I like to use a large mug with two packets at once...
- Falling back an hour (tonight!). I am in favor of doing away with daylight savings time entirely (weird nonstandard U.S.-only artifact), but as long as we have it, I'll enjoy the so-called 'extra' hour.
What are your favorite fall indulgences?
5 comment(s)
Fall is my favorite time to quilt. There are fewer outside chores to be done, and it's cold enough that working with flannel is actually enjoyable. The chill air acts as a motivation for me to actually finish some of my ongoing projects.
It's also nice to break out the hot chocolate again, and make more cinnamon rolls in the mornings. I'm not a big pumpkin pie person, but even fruit pies seem to taste better in the fall (yay for apple a la mode!) Even clothes-shopping (which I normally hate) is more enjoyable during the fall, because those big heavy sweaters are so comfortable!!
You aren't the only one who is anti-DST. Includes Dali melting watches!
Seasonal clock-shifting is certainly nonstandard, but it's not US-only. Many other countries do the same thing, but on different days. They're all Sundays, as far as I know, but the event is spread across a few weeks. As if things weren't confusing enough..
We were fairly lucky, but seasonal clock shifting is horrid on new parents. We simply happened to mess with our baby's schedule enough on Saturday that she stayed up really late and was exhausted the next day. I know of many others, with babies that got up early to begin with, who are now getting up at 3 and 4am. Ugh!
The EC has set the beginning and end of Summer Time to be the last Sundays in March and October respectively (per the 9th EC Directive).
You can also find a good list of worldwide start/end dates for ~70 countries at
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