republican bloodhounds
Sometimes I'm embarrassed to live in this town.
Republicans Play Ruff [Washington Post]It is just after 11:30 a.m. when Republican Sens. Trent Lott, Larry Craig and Bill Frist lead three 100-plus-pound bloodhounds into the LBJ Room on the Senate side of the Capitol. They create a commotion, which is the idea.
"We're on the hunt for bills," Lott is saying as one of the hounds he is holding on a leash -- an 8-year-old named Sage -- sniffs the crotch of a staffer. For the metaphorically dense, the Republicans have enlisted three hounds to, in Lott's words, "track down some legislation."
That, in a year of Democratic control, they contend, is hard to find. Thus bloodhounds.
It would probably make for an effective cartoon; Lott & Co. could even have made a little iMovie showing bloodhounds leading them around the Capitol and it would make their point in a dumb but still kinda funny and effective way. But standing around in a Senate conference room saying 'Looky, looky, I brought a dog!' just makes them look like stupid, stupid boys trying to get away with a prank on their teacher. (And yes, I think Democrats would pull something similarly moronic if the positions were reversed.)
This is yet another reason why I loathe the two-party system. No matter what the issue is, your party says the party that isn't yours is not just
wrong but
hates people like you and your way of life and needs to be
beaten for the sake of all that is good and decent (otherwise people just won't pay attention or contribute money, right?) and so we shall
ridicule them with silly
props because they are so self-evidently
wrong about everything that we don't even need to make a coherent
argument, just a spectacle. Ha ha, take that, voters! You love it!
How many government policy decisions really fit into that mold? And if there were a viable third party, how would the conversation change? Why, people might start talking about
tradeoffs and
balancing competing values instead of painting everything as black & white, St. George & dragon, heroes vs. oppressors.
I know, that's not how it would work, and it'll never happen anyway. These are our senators, this is how it is. Woof. Bad government.