Friday, 16 November 2001In today's WPost:Details of the new airport security bill -- mostly federalized, which is fine with me. Oh, and people with criminal records will no longer be checking your bags. Lessons of The Long Recount by E. J. Dionne Jr. It turns out [Gore] would have been best served by doing the right thing and demanding a full, statewide recount of all 175,000 undervotes and overvotes. The Gore side will assert, correctly, that it faced tough political and legal hurdles in getting a full recount. But that should have been its goal -- for substantive and, we now learn, practical reasons. As the Palm Beach Post, a partner in the recount, wrote: "If Gore had demanded and been granted recounts applying standards many Republicans said they would accept, he would have been president." ![]() Wednesday, 14 November 2001More on the crash of flight 587:For Flight 587, Seconds Between Life and Death [Washington Post] Briefings and interviews throughout the day indicated that the board has assembled an unusual amount of information for this early in an investigation: Both the voice and data recorders have been recovered. Numerous witnesses -- including two flight crews -- tell a remarkably similar story. All significant parts of the plane have been found and given a preliminary check... Yet the tragedy that took at least 262 lives remained a mystery. Indeed, each new piece of evidence seemed to eliminate another likely scenario. Investigators said a preliminary reading of the plane's cockpit voice recorder offers no evidence that terrorists downed the plane. But at the same time, they said, nothing on the tape would rule out sabotage.Partial Passenger List and Complete Crew List for American Airlines Flight 587 [Washington Post] ![]() Top entry on AppleInsider, MacNN's apparently-defunct Mac rumor site: Thursday, June 21, 2001 : Resuming publication, soon... Stay Tuned.(This after their last post, which was in April.) MacOS Rumors and ThinkSecret have at least been updating, whatever their track record. ![]() Tuesday, 13 November 2001Observation: When the job market is tough, the service in restaurants improves.![]() NY Times: Officials Say Voice Recorder Indicates Crash Was an Accident MSNBC: Investigators find signs birds may have caused crash of Flight 587 ![]() What's the one thing better than an exquisite meal? ![]() This op-ed by David Broder deserves a lot of attention; if not for the plane crash, I would say it should have been on the front page of the Post... No Time To Haggle [Washington Post] In the aftermath of Sept. 11, we discovered belatedly that the government had brushed off warnings from three blue-ribbon commissions that this nation was ill-equipped to defend itself against any form of terrorist attack. Now we are about to learn whether similarly clear and authoritative warnings about the possibility of Russian nuclear weapons and materials slipping into the hands of terrorists will be treated with the seriousness they deserve.There was a particularly good Post staff editorial today too: Meet Patriotic Pork [Washington Post] The [tax break] provision that [Kenneth Kies of PricewaterhouseCoopers] advances would reduce taxes on corporations' overseas investment income. It's hard to see how this measure, which would encourage firms to keep money outside the country, would do anything to stimulate the American economy. ![]() Monday, 12 November 2001Guiliani is stating that there are two crash sites, one where an engine came down and one where the rest of the plane crashed. Eyewitnesses saw an explosion on the plane's side in the air.The plane took off at 9:15am and crashed at 9:17am. -- There were 246 passengers and 9 crew on board. Bridges into the city have been closed. 44 fire trucks and 200 firefighters have been dispatched. -- Facts as reported by CNN right now (9:53am): At 9:15 this morning, American Airlines flight 587 crashed in Queens, New York. It had taken off from JFK airport, traveled 5-10 miles and crashed. Its final destination was the Dominican Republic. Three major New York airports are now closed. It crashed in a commercial district with various street shops in the Rockaways near Beach 129th Street and Newport Avenue. At least four buildings are on fire. Don't know what to say beyond that. CNN story Washington Post story ![]() | ![]() | Links, exploration and synthesis from Steve Bogart ![]() photo by my wife If you want to be e-mailed when there's new stuff here, say "add me." Archives by week
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