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13 April 2000

Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
-- "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot, 1917.

Jeff Smith's wonderful comic book Bone is finally returning in June. Westfield Comics had an interview with him last month with some preview images from the new issue (namely, alternate covers by Smith, Frank Miller[!] and Alex Ross[!!]). Worth checking out even if you're not someone who ordinarily reads comics:

  • Jeff Smith Interview [Westfield]
    Westfield: For those unfamiliar with Bone, how would you describe the book?
    Jeff Smith: My ready answer is it's the Lord of the Rings meets "Bugs Bunny."

    Smith: [The prequel series Rose is] being drawn and painted by Charles Vess who is absolutely one of the most fantastic painters ever born. Most people will know his work in comics from the stuff he's done on Sandman with Neil Gaiman and on Stardust.

    Westfield: Is the Bone movie still in the working stages?
    Smith: We're rewriting it as we speak. It's a much slower process than I ever, ever imagined [laughs], but it's still going on!

  • Boneville, the official Bone site

Wow, this is cool. Seen on Robot Wisdom, an MP3 excerpt of Tolkien reading The Two Towers. [MP3Lit]

And ooh, look, they also have some rants by Dennis Miller.

And T.S. Eliot reading "Prufrock"! And Molly Ivins reading Shrub! Aagh! Stop, too much to download at once!

I think I'm going to have to spend some time at

Hmm. I wonder how many people are going to stumble onto my site looking for reporter Judy Muller's brand-new book, Now This: Radio, Television...and the Real World.

Hope Penguin Putnam doesn't get the idea that this domain should be theirs; I've had it for about a year & a half now.

I could just be being paranoid...

Linkwatcher is back! <applause>

Coming someday to this space at, once I get done with taxes and immediate obligations to clients (so, maybe by autumn): The Interactive Word of the _____.TM

It's simpler than you think, but toys don't need to complicated to be fun...

Previous entry: 12 April 2000 Next entry: 14 April 2000
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