Vital stats:
Name: | Steven E. Bogart |
E-mail: | bogart at nowthis.com |
Age: | Late 30s. How did that happen? |
Living in: | Virginia since August 2000 |
Raised in: | Cedar Rapids, Iowa |
College: | Graduated from Washington University in Saint Louis in 1993 with a degree in Business Administration and minors in Computer Science and Music -- three specializations from three different academic divisions. Hey, I like variety. |
High school: | Graduated from Linn-Mar in 1989 |
Postgraduate Education? | None, and I don't intend to start. I learn as much as I could ever want by living & working on the Web. |
Instruments: | Voice, piano, violin, plus vocal percussion as needed |
Voice part: | Bass II |
Various People I Have Been
When I worked at the Olin School of Business (1993-1999):
- Associate Director of Computing
- Interim IT Director (filled in for two weeks)
- Assistant Director of Computing
- Manager of Personal Computing Support
- Computer Lab Supervisor
When I was a Wash U. student:
- Pitch (director) of the Pikers, 1991-1992
- Regular old Piker, 1990-1991 and 1992-1993
- A cappella Arranger
- VAX Programmer
In shows:
- Superintendent Budd in Albert Herring, 2000
- Dr. Buchanan in Summer and Smoke, 1999
- Readymoney Matt in Threepenny Opera, 1998
- Greek Chorus Bass or some such name in A Little Night Music, 1993ish
- Robert Smithers, Butler in Hard Time, Thurtene Carnival 1991
- Durdles in The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 1989
- Berenger in Rhinoceros, 1989ish
- Judah in Joseph and the Amazing etc. etc., 1988
- Doc Gibbs in Our Town, 1988ish
- Teddy in Arsenic and Old Lace, 1987ish
Much older, potentially more embarrassing job titles:
- Telemarketer for Telecom*USA/MCI (Don't hate me...I only called existing MCI customers offering to get them onto MCI's own PrimeTime plan...)
- Line Worker for General Mills (including, literally, cereal shoveling) [temp job]
- Front Desk Person, Inventory Specialist and Expediter (okay, Receptionist) for Carlson Electronic Sales [temp job]
- Weekend Dishwasher, Happy Chef
- Shelf Facer, Randall Foods
- Organizer of Light (my favorite alternative term for the overused "webmaster")
- Frontier Jedi (Brad said it, not me)
- Chairman of the Committee to Prevent This Sort of Thing (my title in Dogbert's New Ruling Class since [I believe] 1996)
- "Steven E. Bogart" == "Steve, a Net Borg", courtesy of Brendan's On-Line Anagram Generator
- The Bass to Call (if you need a complicated bass part sung on short notice, that is)
- Friend to All a cappella Groups (said by a Mosaic Whisper to a hall full of about a thousand people, so it counts here)